Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Step 2 - Planning

Yesterday I discussed resolution vs. determination. Today is the 2nd step to reaching your goal.

Wait? Goal? You said nothing about goals.

Oh, but I did. Yesterday you wrote a determination statement on a piece of paper and stuck it on the refrigerator. Remember this piece of paper? This is your goal. We will continue to use this piece of paper to map out our goal.

Today we are going to write down how we are going to reach our goal.

Most of the time, when we start a resolution, we don’t take the time to think about what it is going to take to reach our resolution. This is why most New Year’s resolutions fail. We just say, “I’m going to lose weight” and join a gym. Everything is fine the first couple weeks, but then we get frustrated, because we aren't losing the weight as fast as we want. We start making excuses for not going – “I had a tough day at work” or “Little Ricky needs to go to the dentist today, so I can’t go to the gym” or any number of reasons. One skipped day turns into 2, turns into a week, then a month, and then we are right back where we started.

I state “we” because I've done it too. You've done it. Everyone has the best of intentions in starting a resolution. But, we don’t write down the steps we need to take in order to reach this goal.

So – Starting with a determination statement. “I am determined to lose weight.”

I am going to use this as my determination statement. I need to lose weight. I need to get healthier.

In looking at this statement, it isn't really clear on what I want to do. Yes, I want to lose weight. But am I going to eat healthier? Or am I going to exercise more? A combination of the two? I need to revise my determination statement by making it more clear how I am going to reach my goal.

“I am determined to eat better and start exercising so I can lose weight.”

Clear. Concise. Determined. But, I have 2 goals here. Eat better and start exercising. I can’t have them on the same sheet of paper. I need to simplify this. One goal at a time.

Goal 1: I am determined to eat better so I can lose weight.

Great goal. So how do I achieve it? Do I go to the supermarket and buy a whole bunch of fresh food with no clue on how to cook it or what I’m going to make?

I know me. I don’t do well with huge, drastic changes. I have to start slow. And I hate to cook. So what is a small step I can take to make this a reality? Something small that can be attainable, but it won’t throw off my entire game plan if I don’t reach this goal right away. Something that if I do it, I will feel a small victory and energized to continue on my journey.

I already drink a lot of water. That’s all I drink at work. So it really doesn't make sense to put down a goal I am already doing. But, I can swap out one of my salty or sweet snacks for a healthier one. That can start me on my way to eating better. It is a small step that isn't all that time consuming or expensive. I’m just replacing one snack.  And, I need to determine the action I’m going to take to reach this step.

Goal 1: I am determine to eat better so I can lose weight.
Step 1: I am going to swap one unhealthy snack for carrots and low calorie dip for 1 week. 
Action 1: Stop by the grocery store and pick up already pre-packaged carrot and dip snack packs. Pick up enough for 1 week.

Once I start this (today), I’m going to revisit my progress in a week. Have I been eating my carrots and dip instead of junk food? We shall see.

By going through this exercise, I have started to create a fool proof plan for myself. I have a plan to revisit this every week and set new, small goals. Nothing big or grandiose that is going to waste time or money.

Do the same exercise yourself with your determination statement. Share your determination statement and/or steps you are going to take to reach your goals.

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