Friday, July 3, 2015

Looking ahead

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

How many times have you heard this? Graduation speeches, motivational seminars. You hear it whenever you are about to start a new phase of your life. Adulthood, parenthood, starting a new job.

It has never been more true for me than today. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I have to admit, it is a little frightening.

Yesterday I was laid off from my paralegal job. The first thoughts through my head - Yes!!!! I get to concentrate on my Etsy shop and website. Give them the attention they deserve. No more driving in traffic to work. No more dealing with a job I didn't like.

I decided to give myself 1 day. One day to decompress. Let the stress of that job just drain from my body. All the little tasks that I did every day. Gone!

Yesterday, I crocheted and let the thoughts run through my mind. I need to sign up for health insurance by the end of the month. I need to apply for unemployment while I search for a job. I need to budget my money so I don't run into problems. I wrote it all down. I started planning.

Today, I started doing. Taking the things on my list and started doing them. I applied for unemployment this morning.

I am not going to take this lying down and being depressed. That won't serve me or anyone. I need to take action.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. What kind of life do I want?

What kind of life do you want?

Life is uncertain. We can never guarantee that we are going to have a job tomorrow, or that my Etsy shop will be open tomorrow. There is always a chance that life will throw you a curve ball. Are you prepared for that curve ball? Are you prepared for that moment in your life when everything changes? Most of us aren't, and that is okay. What matters is what you do afterwards. How do you bounce back? Do you start planning?

Take control of your life.

My first day of unemployment didn't go as planned. I spent an hour and a half taking pictures this morning. None of them are viable. I need to retake them all tomorrow. That's okay. Tomorrow is another day. I won't let it get me down.

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